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There Was a Huge Spider on my Wall
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There Was a Huge Spider on my Wall
Letters Home from a Peace Corps Volunteer in Malawi

In the year 2000, it was with great excitement that I received the news that my daughter Debbie had been accepted into the Peace Corps and that she would spend two years of her life in Malawi.  First, I had to learn to spell Malawi, and then I had to find it on a map. I did as much research as I could about that small African country.

It was at that time that my childhood dream of some day visiting Africa began to resurface.  I had the good fortune to be able to visit Africa in the summer of 2001 and again in the spring of 2002.

I developed an immense respect for the Peace Corps people I met.  Their jobs, sometimes frustrating, are in the sectors of community health, education and environment.  Their willingness to endure hardship and deprivation and learn a new language is worthy of the greatest respect from the rest of us in the United States.  Their contributions to human friendship and understanding are spectacular.



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